Socially Engaged Practice (Further)

Once The Painting was dry I then sent it on to a family member as a gift through the post, as part of socially engaged practice and involving other people to engage with the work.



The Painting Being Sent


Once it had been received, the painting was then photographed where it had been put up once gifted and tried out in a couple of different locations. completing the social engagement with this piece of work.



The Painting once it had been gifted (1)




Another location it had been hung, after being gifted


The experience of creating socially engaged work has broadened my ideas of what art can be and the way it can be performed or displayed. Art doesn’t have to be just for you, it can also be for other people to and get them involved, which builds up more layers to the work and makes it more successful in becoming a substantial piece.

Engaging with an audience is something that I will consider moving forward onto the next piece of work.

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