Artist Talk – Caspar Heinemann

Caspar Heinemann is a sculptor from London, who through her work explores an array of questions around what art is and what it should do. She seemed to consciously try to avoid the conventions of what you’d expect from a standard Talk given by an artist by referencing them in a self-deprecating manner and avoiding them. This was interspersed with a selection of original poems that both referenced aspects of the mundane in daily life and thoughts around homosexuality, sexual relations, the Purpose and cliche’s of the art world and lifestyle in the modern world.

With regard to her work, she discussed an interest in using valueless materials when making a sculpture and expressed a discontent with the cliche’s of how the art world works and how the selling of works can be somewhat superficial.

The main aspects/themes of her work that i found interesting were A) the tongue-in cheek manner of her poems and B) the idea of using valueless materials such as plastic containers from food and general rubbish that might be thrown away. I may explore the latter at some point but it does not fit in with my current practice.


Nothing is the end of the world they made (2016)


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